Everything considered, how personally valued did the broker make you feel?: *
Everything considered, how satisfied were you with the overall advice process?: *
On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is ‘not at all likely’ and 10 is ‘extremely likely’, how likely or unlikely would you be to recommend your broker to your family, friends and/or colleagues?: *
The broker fully understood my circumstances and objectives before providing advice: *
I was satisfied with the financial advice provided by the broker : *
The broker provided enough information and a detailed explanation about any financial product(s) I applied for: *
The broker confirmed my understanding of the risks and benefits: *
I am satisfied that the ongoing costs of the financial product(s) are affordable: *
I fully understand what I have bought and the reasons for it: *
Would you like a member of our team to contact you to discuss your specific responses to this survey?:
Are you happy for us to share this feedback with your broker?: *

* required fields