Journey Overview

Journey is our central CRM and compliance system. This is where all client and product details are held, and also where you will submit cases for compliance to review.  

Below is an overview of each section of Journey:  


  • Clients: This is where all client details are held 
  • Company: This is where all company details are held and keyed 
  • My Tasks: This is the section of the system where you can create and view tasks that are set up within Journey 
  • My Enquiries: This is where any enquiries submitted via the links provided will be found. You can also add enquiries directly into the system via the ‘Add New Enquiry’ button.  
  • To utilise the client portal, you must start from enquiry, ensuring that the broker is selected, the client's name and email address is keyed, the broker fee to be charge is input and the correct product type is selected. Once these are keyed and the enquiry is saved, a button will appear next to the enquiry where you can begin the client portal process.  
  • My Products: This is where cases can be viewed and updated to keep track of your client's applications. You would utilise the products to upload documentation and submit the case via the handover tab for compliance to review 
  • Navigate: This is our sourcing system to provide guidance on which lender may be able to offer terms on your client's cases. You can do searches based on the product type and specific criteria based on information provided by your clients. This sourcing system is updated directly by lenders on a quarterly basis.  
  • Commissions: This tab outlines your pipeline commissions and broker fees keyed onto a product 
  • Providers: This is a list of our Panel lenders with relevant contact details for BDM’s and call centres 
  • Introducers: this is where you would add your introducers into the system so that they can be linked to any products introduced to yourself 
  • Compliance: This is the central location for Mandatory returns, such as your monthly Complaints and quarterly Gifts and Hospitality returns. You will also submit your CPD in this section. Any remedial actions for handovers or action plans set by the network will show in here as well.  
  • Events Calendar: Events hosted throughout the year will be detailed in the events calendar, please make sure to look out for any upcoming events to block out your diary!