
Portal is our client facing Fact Find and documentation submission system.  
Requesting information through Portal will allow clients to update their information directly into the system, saving you time keying information onto Journey. The client portal also includes automatic documentation generation for Privacy Notices, Terms of Businesses and Suitability letters. Completing these documents through the client portal allows you to be confident that this documentation is FCA compliant.  

How to use the Portal:  


  • Begin the client journey by keying their enquiry onto Journey. If you utilise the enquiry page on your website, the enquiry will be automatically keyed into Journey 
  • Ensure that you have completed the following fields: Broker, Client Name, Client Email, Broker Fee to be Charged, and the correct product is selected.  
  • Once the above has been keyed, and you have saved the enquiry, you should note a new button next to the enquiry. (insert person in circle button)  
  • Select this button to start the Client portal process.  
  • On this page, you will see a list of documentation that can be selected to be requested via the client portal 
  • Once you have selected the documents you need, select save at the bottom of the page.  
  • Please note, ID documentation will automatically be requested when sending the client portal.  
  • If there are multiple clients on the application, select the add secondary applicant and key the secondary applicant's details, this will send a separate link to the additional applicant for them to sign the privacy notice and complete their essential information.  
  • Once all required documentation has been selected, and the additional applicant details are keyed (if required) simply select the ‘Send’ button. 
  • Your client will receive an email with your branding requesting them to begin the Client portal process.  
  • This link will take the client through to the IDD which will outline your Broker fee and, following this, the Privacy Notice for them to sign. (Once these have been read and signed, you will receive an email advising you that the client has completed this stage)  
  • Your client will then be taken through the system to key their personal details and details of the loan required.   
  • Once all information is keyed, and the documentation has been uploaded, you will receive an automated email advising you of this.  
  • You will then be able to find the relevant details that the client has keyed via the ‘My Client Portal Products’ in the products tab of Journey.  
  • You can then utilise this information in Navigate to provide you with guidance on which lenders may be able to provide finance for your client.  
  • Once you have identified the best product/lender for your client, and they have given you the confirmation to proceed, you can then use the portal to generate the terms of business.  
  • Simply select the ‘Portal’ button next to the product (image of person in circle). 
  • You would then select the ‘Edit’ button in the ‘Portal Phase Three Settings’  
  • This will pull through information already keyed on the system, however there will be some sections for you to complete. 
  • When scrolling down the document on the right side of the page, you will see some question marks within the Terms of Business letter. These question marks correspond to the fields that need to be keyed on the left side of the page.  
  • Once you have completed the fields, select ‘Save Terms of business’ and then save again. 
  • You can then send the terms of business letter to the client to sign. The client will receive an email with a link to the portal to review and sign the terms of business.  
  • Once signed, you will receive an email confirming that the Terms of Business are signed.  
  • At this point you will complete the application with the relevant application with the lender of choice and preform all related works 
  • Once the application is offered/with legals, we expect you to complete the suitability letter.  
  • To complete the suitability letter, select the ‘Client Portal’ button and edit the suitability letter.  
  • This document works the same as the Terms of Business, where the ‘question marks’ within the document relate to the form fields to the left of the document. 
  • Once completed, select save suitability letter, then save again.  
  • You can then send the suitability letter for the client to review.  
  • This completes the client portal process.